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How to get a sponsor for your event?

· Events in Dubai,Corporate Events,Urban Events,event management,Events

Event planning might sound easy, but there is a lot that goes in. One of the first questions that might go in while planning an event is the budget of the event. If it is a private event and the company itself is funding the whole event than you are sorted, but if it is large public event then you have to look for other funding sources as well.

Finding a sponsor is challenging, and at times it takes a lot of time and convincing to do so. If your organization is not well-established and does not have an extensive budget, then it is essential to start looking for funding as soon as you possibly can.

Finding a sponsor is like finding a job, and you have to put a lot of efforts go for interviews with your proposals and face rejections.

Event companies in Dubai can handle issues similar to this like a pro, and they know how to turn the table. Being most challenging part of the event, there are several ways you can handle this.

Compelling proposal

Meeting with sponsors and telling them about your event in simple words is boring and not bring any attention to the importance of the event.

Make your proposal stand out; engage the sponsor person while presenting. Include the basics of your project like the statement of purpose, the mission of the organization, and why the respective party should invest in your organization.

Event companies in Dubai

Tell everything in a story format and make it enjoyable. It is like you have to justify the fact that if the funding party has 1 million dollars so why they should invest in your event.

If you can justify that in your proposal then you have the funding for your event. You can also take help from a team of event management professionals who have been in this industry for a while and have to build their identity.

Identify the benefits for both sides

Investors are interested in the fact that how spending money in this event will benefit or meet their interest. While having a meeting with them you have to lay out all the possibilities in which investors can be benefitted.

Also, discuss how the name of the investor is going to appear on the event blog posts, pamphlets, and other papers/banners.

You can also offer a discount to the attendees who are referrals of the funding agency. Promote the company of the sponsor. Above mentioned all the elements should be considered will be some kind of incentive for the sponsor.

Personal networking

Sometimes the people who can fund our event are just within our reach or part of the personal network.

Spread the word that you are looking for potential sponsors and just a little bit about your event then there might be someone who will reach out to you supporting your cause.

Also, if you use social media network sites to ask for funding resources, then people might refer to someone who can support your event even if they cannot do it themselves.

Know about your potential sponsor

How embarrassing it would be not to know necessary information about someone who is going to give you money.

Yes! It will be downright embarrassing therefore study information about your sponsor like their business, the causes they support and other interests. It is like doing the home before meeting the person. Do it well and know each and everything you possibly can.

Know if there is any transformation or trends their company might be going through. Any current trends or market status of organization which is essential as well as some recent products or services they are offering.

This information can be used to your advantage and incorporate that into your proposal can have an impact on the mentality. You can also link this information with how the mission or causes the event and organization support is similar.

Event companies in Dubai can help you gather information and also jot down some potential sponsors for your event.


Once you have a list of sponsors, then it is important to conduct the meeting. Before you show up at the meeting, do keep in mind that you have to be like they are the only option you have so you have to give your best.

Plan meeting situations ahead and know your points straight up. If you are confident for your event, no one else will ever be.