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Key Takeaways from Twitters OneTeam – Employee Event 2020

· Corporate Events

Twitter kicked off 2020 with a grand OneTeam event in Houston, where the company gathered almost 4000 employees together in one place to celebrate the new year. OneTeam event showed the world that Tweeps are the most important stakeholders for the company. It presented an opportunity to come together and connect.

From the event itself to social media engagement, OneTeam was a huge success for Twitter. The event revolved around the fundamental concepts of diversity, inclusion, and sustainability. This article talks about key takeaways from the event to inspire your future events.

Valuable Lessons to Learn from Twitter’s OneTeam – Employee Event

Twitters #OneTeam2020 was a huge success. There is a lot to learn from the event. The following are some of the key lessons from Twitter’s massive 4000+ Employee Event that you must steal for your future event.

Incorporate Diversity and Inclusion

The main focus of the event was diversity and inclusivity on all levels. Twitter achieved that by showcasing a diverse group of Tweeps, including people from all colors, races, backgrounds, and nationalities, to gather at one stage. It is a great way to make people feel welcomed and foster connections.

With the whole world focused around #BlackLivesMatter and minorities, showing people that they are valued and are seen a great impact on all the communities and your entire event. It’s a way to foster loyalty and build a connection with your brand and community. To prioritize inclusivity, think about all the event details from restrooms to catering.

Incorporate Diversity and Inclusion

Dynamic Speakers

To create an everlasting impact, incorporate people into your event by choosing impactful presenters to represent all the people during the event. One of the best ways to choose impactful presenters is to provide people who represent minority groups a platform to raise their voices, just like Twitter did during the event.

To keep people engaged and to interact with the community, select dynamic speakers who can offer a unique perspective to things. This leads to further discussions and debates regarding employee’s values and current issues in the corporate world. Give people a platform to voice their opinions and raise their voices against prejudice.

Use Unique Technology

When it comes to the use of technology, Twitter was not far behind. During the OneTeam event, twitter featured its first-ever live tweet from space!

The key lesson to learn here is that by using technology strategically, you can create a transformative experience at your events that speaks about your brand and core values. You can create a huge impact on the attendees by using technology in a thoughtful and creative way.

Imagine being a Tweep and the feeling you get when you see the first-ever tweet from space! What an amazing way to foster loyalty among the employees and make them feel proud of being part of the company. To achieve similar results with the use of technology, we suggest consulting corporate events Dubai based experts to plan a successful event that delivers.

Use Unique Technology

Opt for Meaningful Venues

Twitter hosted its event at Houston’s Space Center; a perfect fit got the OneTeam event with the theme of technology and space exploration. By establishing a connection with the outer space, Twitter aligned the event mission and the venue theme perfectly. The venue itself enhanced the overall experience of the event and its theme.

A major lesson to learn here is that the event destination’s infrastructure, location, and features can play a huge role in delivering a memorable experience to your guests. Therefore, when you are looking for a venue, keep the objectives and theme of your event in mind, and choose accordingly.

Keep in mind that for many corporations, even the choice of the city can have a meaningful impact on the event experience. Therefore, do consult an event planning expert for selecting the best destinations for your next event.

Make Attendees become Protagonists!

Make your attendees feel welcome – especially the introverts! Introverts are at a disadvantage at social events because it is exhausting for them to spend the whole day interacting and socializing with people. Think about ways to reach out to these people.

Another important aspect of events is to provide opportunities for your attendees to become protagonists. For example, at the Twitter event during a Q&A session, a twitter employee became an instant social media hit and a meme after he introduced himself as “I am Joe, I do Jira.” After this, people lined up to take selfies with him.

Give a mic to your guests and let them express themselves freely and provide them a chance to become heroes. This open conversation with your attendees has unexpected and positive results for your event.

Personalize your Events – Foster relationships

Another important lesson to take from Twitters OneTeam event is to humanize your events as much as possible. An essential part of recognizing each other is the desire to support one another and express feelings of love and understanding. What better way to do that than through an event!

Businesses and workplaces are where people leave their personal lives at the doorstep of their houses. They cannot talk about their problems at work because it seems unethical. However, events are a perfect place to help your employees get to know each other and relate to others on a human level. Therefore, personalize your events and design them in a way to foster relationships and networking.